
  • Raul Olmo Fregoso Bailon West Chester University of Pennsylvania, United States
  • Gilberto, P. Lara The University of Texas at San Antonio - USA
  • María Leija The University of Texas at San Antonio - USA



Latin American unity, middle school poets, colonialism, coloniality of power, Simón Rodríguez.


This research shows how a group of students from a middle school in one of the poorest and violent neighborhoods in Guadalajara, México, make poems to express how they experience and signify the idea of Latin American unity in light of non-Western, perspectives. Drawing from Latin American philosophers such as Simón Rodríguez and Ramón Xirau, the method of this study draws from poetic images to construct theoretical arguments in education to analyze the poems produced by the students as active creators of Latin American epistemology in education. The findings suggest that the students as peripheral poets can enrich the foundations of critical pedagogy for Latin American unity. Of particular interest is the way in which the students challenge the distinction between colonialism and coloniality of power. This paper aims to show how Western critical pedagogy can be enriched by taking into account thinkers on education from the “Third World.”


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Biografia do Autor

Raul Olmo Fregoso Bailon, West Chester University of Pennsylvania, United States

Raul Olmo Fregoso Bailon is an assistant professor in the Department of Educational Foundations and Policy Studies at West Chester University of Pennsylvania. He received his PhD from The University of Texas at Austin in Cultural Studies in Education. He has conducted fieldwork throughout Latin America and is the author of Que´ tan Diferente es Mexico de la Venezuela de Chavez? He is a member of the International Advisory Committee of the UNESCO Chair in
Democracy, Global Citizenship and Transformative Education.


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Como Citar

Fregoso Bailon, R. O., Lara, G. P., & Leija, M. (2019). THE IDEA OF LATIN AMERICAN UNITY FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF PERIPHERAL MIDDLE SCHOOL POETS. Revista Tempos E Espaços Em Educação, 12(31), 145–164.



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