Research on the Selecting Model of Confucius Institute Scholarships



Through research on the selecting model of Confucius Institute scholarships, it is found that there are three types: Decision Type of the Confucius Institute Headquarters, Decision Type of Confucius Institute, and Decision Type of Hosting University. Confucius Institute scholarships include two categories: scholarships for degrees and scholarships not for degrees. In the first category, the Hosting University plays a leading role, while the Confucius Institute Headquarters and Confucius Institutes play a supporting role. In the second category, the Confucius Institute headquarters plays a leading role, while the Confucius Institute and Hosting University play a supporting role. In order to better achieve the goals and objectives of the Confucius Institute Scholarships, we must combine the strengths of the three selection models, not just one model.

Biografia do Autor

Peng Xiantang, Universidade Central das Finanças e Economia

Xiantang Peng, (1980-),Pesquisador  Associado,Mestrado em Direito; Divisão de Pesquisa Científica da Universidade Central das Finanças e Economia (junho de 2006-);Diretor Chinês do Instituto Confúcio da Universidade de Pernambuco (janeiro de 2019-)
Direção de Pesquisa: Ensino Superior, Direito Educacional

Ademir Macedo Nascimento, Universidade de Pernambuco

Coodenador do Mestrado Profissional em Administração da FCAP/UPE




Como Citar

Xiantang, P., & Macedo Nascimento, A. (2020). Research on the Selecting Model of Confucius Institute Scholarships. Boletim Do Tempo Presente, 9(1), 02–12. Recuperado de


